Wonders & Worries provides free, professional support for children and teenagers through a parent’s serious illness or injury, so that they can reach their full potential. Overall, 98% of parents indicated they were satisfied or extremely satisfied with Wonders & Worries services. The first cross sectional study of the impact of Wonders & Worries programming found that many families served reported amelioration of multiple children’s issues including improved communication skills (87%), reduced anxiety (84%), increased feeling of security at home (90%), and improved school performance (73%).

Our latest study was a randomized clinical trial focused on investigating the efficacy of the Wonders & Worries copyrighted, six session illness education and coping curriculum. In this study, the intervention group significantly improved on parenting concerns, parenting self-efficacy, and family quality of life, while children in the intervention group had significantly lower emotional and behavioral problems and worries related to cancer compared to controls.

4383 Medical Drive, Suite 127

San Antonio, TX 78229

Tel: 210-307-4853

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