Veterans Serving Veterans

Mission: Our mission is to educate and provide knowledge for our veterans. We help our veterans with planning and preparing VA claims and we assist our Veterans in navigating VA healthcare.   

Goals: Our goal is to assist veterans and their families to fully utitlize the services that the VA offers.

Register For The Veterans Serving Veterans Meeting

Register For The Veterans Serving Veterans Meeting

Veterans Serving Veterans was started by veterans to assist veterans. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Good Samaritan Veterans Outreach & Transition Center at 9am. 

Some of our meetings are also accessible in real time on Zoom. We also utilize the Computer Lab at the St. Phillip’s location. We do not file claims directly. We encourage veterans to utilize veteran service organizations. 

It can be difficult for a veteran to understand what to do, what is needed or where to go for help in a system such as the VA. Veterans Serving Veterans exists to bridge the gap. 

How We help

At our monthly meetings, we bring in a wide variety of presenters to address many aspects of the VA and other outside agencies.

We maintain ongoing electronic communications with our membership to provide key pieces of information and changes that are going on in the VA.

We also provide a chance for our members to share their experiences and provide peer support for their fellow Veterans. 

Good Samaritan Veterans Outreach & Transition Center (GSVOTC)

202 Connelly Street

San Antonio, TX 78203

David Parish - Outreach Coordinator


Allen Wood

Meeting 3rd Tuesday - 9:00 AM

Face to Face/Open Group

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