Mission: Working in collaboration with communities and families, TEAMability gives individuals with disabilities opportunities to achieve their potential and experience the joy of success.
Vision: TEAMability envisions a community that challenges assumptions and advances the service delivery standard for ALL individuals with disabilities.
Learning is an active process. We learn best by doing. TEAMability’s innovative approach combines the expertise of occupational, physical, and speech therapists with that of skilled special educators. Goals are integrated into enjoyable, meaningful, motivating activities that encourage exploration, experimentation and the discovery of ability. TEAMability’s specialized, state-of-the-art environment promotes independent learning and active participation in life.
At TEAMability, we see the ability first
Let us show you.
5210 Thousand Oaks Drive, Suite 1333
San Antonio, TX 78233
T: 210.733.9050
F: 210.733.9069
E. teamability@teamability.org
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