Mission: Soldiers’ Angels provides aid, comfort, and resources to the Military, Veterans, and their families.

Vision: The vision of Soldiers’ Angels is to ensure military, wounded military, veterans, and their families have access to needed community resources and support.

Values: The values of Soldiers’ Angels: Compassion, Dedication, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Collaborative, Credibility, Responsiveness.

Our Beliefs and Commitment to Diversity

Soldiers’ Angels retains an a-political stance on all issues and does not support or oppose any agenda on any issue. We are also not affiliated with any one religion, nor do we support our volunteers sharing religious ideology with the service members or veterans they support.

Our mission is to provide aid, comfort, and resources to the military and veteran community— no matter what that individual’s political or religious affiliations might be. The United States Military is incredibly diverse. It is composed of individuals of all colors, races, religions, creeds, and sexual orientations. It is not our job, responsibility, or intention to discriminate, censor, or otherwise hinder the beliefs of one individual or group of individuals within the military. It is our job to support them, encourage them, and ensure they know that their service and sacrifice will not go unnoticed.

Soldiers’ Angels is a national 501(c)3 charity, gifts to which are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our Tax ID# is 20-0583415.

CFC# 25131.

Soldiers’ Angels

2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107

San Antonio, TX 78218

Phone: 210-629-0020

Fax: 210-629-0024

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