Mission: In fulfilling our mission, we envision thriving children, resilient families, and strong communities enduring for generations.
Basic Family Foster Care
Pathways contracts with the Department of Family & Protective Services (DFPS) and regional Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs) to provide safe, nurturing foster homes for children navigating the foster care system. Pathways licenses foster homes for children ages 0-17 and supports extended foster care for youth up to age 21. We provide extensive training and support to ensure foster families are ready and able to handle a range of situations. Fostering requires a high level of dedication, a willingness to work with our team, and a commitment to support a child on a daily basis when issues arise. The reward of helping a child is worth the work!
Pathways Treatment Family Foster Care (PTFFC)
PTFFC is a specialized foster care program designed to ensure children with high emotional and behavioral needs can thrive in loving, nurturing, and stable homes. By providing a temporary placement where children can stabilize and improve their coping skills, Professional Foster Parents are part of the PTFFC Team that works together to serve high needs children as they navigate the foster care system on their way to a forever home.
Kinship Care
Extended family members often play significant roles in raising or caring for children when parents are unable to be the primary caregiver. The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) refers to this as Kinship Care, and it may serve as a placement option for a child instead of foster care. Through Kinship Care, children are often spared the trauma associated with being separated from their families. Kinship caregivers include relatives, close family friends, or others who have a long-standing relationship with the child or family.
Pathways serves children and youth ages 0-17 who are placed in the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Children placed in foster care typically experience various social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties due to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and removal from their family. Pathways can license families for adoption, and we can help you find the information you need to determine which path to adoption is right for you.
Pathways Headquarters
222 Sidney Baker Street S, Suite 435
Kerrville, TX 78028
Phone (830) 515-4343
Fax (830) 315-2274
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