Mission: Community Options’ mission is to develop housing and employment supports for persons with disabilities.
Community Options believes in the dignity of every person, and in the freedom of all people to experience the highest degree of self-determination. We work with individuals with significant disabilities through residential services, day programs, social enterprises that employ individuals with disabilities, high school transition programs, and specialized programs for respite and medically fragile adults. We seek to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community through person centered and natural supports, and collaboration with community partners to increase accessibility to services. We do not administer any large congregate programs, recognizing that people with the most severe disabilities need environments, equipment, clinical and staff support that are tailored to their very specific needs.
San Antonio Office
2632 Broadway, Suite 101 North
San Antonio, TX 78215
Ph: 210-212-4969
Fax: 210-212-4966
Delma Macias – Associate Executive Director
email: delma.macias@comop.org
Samantha Cutler – State Director
email: Samantha.Cutler@comop.org
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