We exist to ensure everyone has a place to call home in San Antonio and Bexar County.

Close to Home exists to ensure everyone has a place to call home in San Antonio and Bexar County. Since 2016, Close to Home has been HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) lead agency for the region and is a backbone nonprofit organization providing funding, education, empowerment, and accountability to organizations that address homelessness and housing insecurity in San Antonio and Bexar County. Close to Home secures and distributes funding for direct service providers in the housing and homelessness sectors and provides guidance to improve local policies and programs. 


The Alliance to House Everyone is the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) group of approximately 50 organizations that collaborate to address homelessness in the Bexar County region. With the support and direction of the lead agency, Close to Home San Antonio, the Alliance to House Everyone convenes to share information, provide training opportunities, recommend coordination strategies, and address service gaps, or resource needs. As the CoC lead, Close to Home supports the Alliance to House Everyone by securing funding, providing guidance, and improving local policies and programs. Together, Close to Home and the Alliance work to significantly and efficiently reduce homelessness. 

Close to Home​

4100 E. Piedras, Suite 105

San Antonio, TX 78228

​(210) 876-0720

Office hours

Monday–Friday, 8AM –5PM

Email: hello@closetohomesa.org

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