Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center

The Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center (BCDRC) provides mediation service to the local courts, residents and businesses in Bexar County, at no cost. We provide this service with the assistance of over 80 volunteers who donate their time to complete the requirements of the state of Texas to become Mediators and donate their time for the cases they accept. 

The BCDRC processes Community-Based and Court-Referred Cases. Community-Based are cases which have no legal action initiated by either party and are voluntary. The BCDRC mediates child visitation, landlord/tenant, and workplace issues, consumer/merchant, real estate and business disputes to name a few. 

The process of requesting mediation can be done on BCDRC website using a Mediation Request form. An intake coordinator will conduct the initial interview and mediation is scheduled within 10 to 14 days. A letter is mailed to both parties. The mediation coordinators explain the benefits of mediation, answer questions and confirm if the respondent is willing to mediate. 

Court-Referred are cases in which someone has filed a civil lawsuit, and a Bexar County Judge orders the parties to mediation. These cases are referred by Justice of the Peace (JP) Courts, Civil District Courts, County Courts at Law and the Probate Courts. Typical cases include divorces, child custody & visitation, probate matters, breaches of contracts, personal injury and small claims. The Children’s Court also refer cases to mediation involving children who have been removed by Child Protective Services (CPS) from their homes for allegations of abuse or neglect by the parent(s). All court ordered; litigation cases are mediated by attorney mediators.

Mediation resolves disputes without having to go to court. If you would like for a representative from the BCDRC to give a presentation about our services to a group, please call the Center to schedule. If you have any questions regarding mediation services, please contact the BCDRC at

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